Great Ice Cream, Cool Web Site Check it out. |
One of the country's number one cartoons. We like it. The site has lots of the strip, and shows how Scott Adams, the author, works his magic. An entertaining site. |
Coke's site is interesting to say the least. Play some online games, participate in weekly brain buster questions. One of our favorite drinks, one of our favorite sites. |
Definitely, absolutely one of the web's best sites when it comes to design. It is always up to date with the latest in cutting edge web technology. If you want to see the most advanced portion of the web, check out Pepsi World |
Check out the Whitehouse and get an update on the State of the Nation. Updated constantly with Presidential happenings. Every patriot should check it out. |
Disney--what else needs to be said? |
One of the oldest search engines is also the best. More than a search engine, Yahoo! really is the closest thing to being a catalog of the internet. |
A great site. Take a visual tour of one of America's grandest homes. |